Star Chapter Farmer

Star Chapter Farmer

The Star Chapter Farmer award is given to a senior member who has an exemplary SAE in the area Entrepreneurship. An SAE in entrepreneurship is an intensive undertaking that entails having dollars invested into a project,  has true risk of money involved, and goes back to the cores of what FFA was founded on. The following are the Star Chapter Farmer Award recipients:

1963 Dennis Geiken (Aplington FFA)

1964 Henry Jungling (Aplington FFA)

1966 Keith Lindaman (Aplington FFA)

1969 Joel Frey (Aplington FFA)

1973 Rick Klahsen (Aplington FFA)

1977 Mike Klahsen (Aplington FFA)

1978 Tony Poppens (Aplington FFA)

1979 Tory Klahsen (Aplington FFA)

1980 Eddie Oelmann (Aplington FFA)

1981 Mike Schipper (Aplington FFA)

1982 Rick Rewerts (Aplington FFA)

1983 Rick Abbas (Aplington FFA)

1984 Lynn Johnson (Aplington FFA)

1985 Stacey Sherburne (Aplington FFA)

1986 Clint Renken (Aplington FFA)

1986 Jeff Brouwer (Parkersburg FFA)

1987 Sally Johnson (Aplington FFA)

1987 Tom Poppens (Aplington FFA)

1988 David Neuberger (Aplington FFA)

1989 Todd Kalkwarf (Aplington FFA)

1990 Jason Hosch (Aplington FFA)

1991 Brock Burman (Aplington FFA)

2014 Jodie Johnson

2020 Kobe Riherd

2021 MaKenna Brouwer

2022 Elena Mulder

2023 Hannah Bill

2024 Eli Schipper