Fruit Sales
FFA Fruit Sales
Each year, the A-P FFA Chapter sells fruit, meat, cheese, candy, and cookie dough for our annual student fundraiser. Proceeds of the fundraiser are used to support leadership, personal growth, and career success activities for FFA members. Major events it supports are state and national conventions. We are extremely appreciative of the community's support in this!
As you check out more information on fruit sales, please direct your attention to our members who have put in tremendous effort towards fundraising for our chapter by clicking "Top Fruit Sales Recognition".
Product Brochures

How to Order
See any FFA member to place an order. Online ordering is also available through any FFA member. Visit the link below to order online - contact an FFA member for their Seller ID to credit your purchases towards their sales goal.

Important Dates
September 26th to October 28th, 2024.
Product will be delivered by the seller between December 2nd and December 6th!

Chapter Goal: $45,000
Student Goal: $1,000 or 60 items

Sales Information
All orders must be turned in no later than 3:00 PM on Monday October 28th.
All orders must have money collected when the order is placed. All money must be turned in by the first week of November when sales end.
Order forms should be completely filled out and triple-checked for accuracy.
Payment should be cash or check. Make checks payable to: A-P FFA.
Online ordering options are available.
Orders will be delivered by FFA members (seller) when the products arrive in the first week of December (Great for Holiday Gifts!)
For more information on our product provider, click below: