Chapter Archives

Special Thank You To:

Without the Annual/Yearbook Staff members throughout the history of Aplington, Parkersburg, and Aplington-Parkersburg Schools, we would not be able to provide an archive of the incredible history of our chapter. 

The sponsors/leaders, editors, students, and volunteers involved in the annual/yearbook creation may never know the significance of what they were contributing towards at that time period in their lives. It is truly remarkable what is uncovered when you get to look back and piece together the progress of a chapter throughout the years and decades. 

If anyone reading this was a part of creating and building an annual/yearbook - we cannot thank you enough for taking pictures, writing stories, and documenting the happenings of our school and especially FFA chapter throughout the years! The current Yearbook Sponsor is Katie Furland, English instructor at Aplington-Parkersburg High School. Thank you Katie for taking charge, leading students, and documenting our school years. Who knows what information of today... will hold great significance of in the future!

Additionally, thank you to the Aplington Public Library, Lori Uhlenhopp of the Aplington Historical Society, Kothe Memorial Library of Parkersburg, and the Aplington-Parkersburg High School Library for the collections of annuals and yearbooks to reference from and document.