Supervised Agricultural Experience

Supervised Agricultural Experience

What is SAE?

SAE is one of the three components of agricultural education and it focuses on providing students with career experiences in agriculture.  Students plan, carry out, and document their skills and experiences gained in Foundational and Immersion SAE programs.

Types of SAE Programs

Students with an SAE learn by doing. With help from their agricultural teachers, students develop an SAE project based on one or more SAE categories found below:


Ag Experiences Tracker (AET) 

Use the AET link to journal your Ag Career Experiences

Go to webpage. Click 'LOG IN" in the top right. Click "STUDENT" to log in.

Chapter: IA0177

User Name: First name initial capitalized, last name, first letter of last name capitalized. For example: Jane Doe would be "JDoe"

SAE Information from National FFA

Fair Information

Butler County Fair

Grundy County Fair

Iowa State Fair

Nominations and Entries are submitted online through the FFA Advisor.  Data collection, rules and resources can be found in the link below.