Star Chapter Greenhand

Star Chapter Greenhand

The Chapter Star Greenhand Award is a prestigious award presented to the chapter's most active first-year member. The member is one who is already implementing a strong Supervised Agricultural Experience, has demonstrated leadership within the FFA, and looks to continue serving the chapter selflessly in the future. The following are the Star Chapter Greenhand Award recipients:

1960 Dennis Schipper (Aplington FFA)

1963 Larry Geiken (Aplington FFA)

1964 Vernon DeVries (Aplington FFA)

1969 Aldon Schaap (Aplington FFA)

1973 Glenn Johnson (Aplington FFA)

1977 Loren Meyer (Aplington FFA)

1978 Susan Poppens (Aplington FFA)

1979 Rick Rewerts (Aplington FFA)

1980 Scott Poppens (Aplington FFA)

1981 Dennis Groenveld (Aplington FFA)

1982 Lynn Johnson (Aplington FFA)

1983 David Schipper (Aplington FFA)

1984 Pat Ubben (Aplington FFA)

1985 David Neuberger (Aplington FFA)

1986 Jason Schipper (Aplington FFA)

1986 Paul Watters (Parkersburg FFA)

1986 Peter Watters (Parkersburg FFA)

1987 Cole Renken (Aplington FFA)

1988  M. Lindeman (Aplington FFA)

1989 Brent Johnson (Aplington FFA)

1990 Joel Kalkwarf (Aplington FFA)

1991 Jason Willis (Aplington FFA)

2014 Kassi Rice

2015 Jacob Abbas

2020 Dalton Schell

2021 Tommy Janssen

2022 Colton Harken

2023 Emma Haan

2024 Layla Wessels