Global Ag Issues

Global Ag Issues

Course Details

Length: Trimester (Offered Biannually) 

Credits: 1 (Elective) 

Grades: 11-12


Students will engage in a variety of classroom activities that will introduce them to controversial issues in agriculture. Topics that will be discussed are agriculture law, The Farm Bill, global poverty, supply and demand, “factory farming”, urban sprawl, food safety, and various other issues. This class will include a lot of discussion of issues, research about unfamiliar topics, and debates about what is “right” and “wrong.” This class will give you a better understanding of the agriculture industry as well as shed light on how important agriculture is to our society. 

Areas of Study:

1. Agricultural Law 5. Urban Sprawl

2. Factory Farming / CAFO's 6. Food Safety

3. Global Poverty 7. Natural Resources

4. Politics in Agriculture