Course Offerings

Agricultural Sciences Courses

Classes taught in the Ag Sciences Department are intra-curricular with FFA, meaning that some FFA activities also happen inside and outside the classroom. Additionally, this means FFA activities are tied to classwork and not simply an extracurricular or “club”. To be involved in FFA, students must be enrolled in at least one agriculture class per school year. If, due to the nature of the limited number of classes offered that a student is unable to take an Ag class, considerations will be made by the instructor and guidance counselor/principal for the student to be in FFA. Students do NOT need to be from an agricultural background or come from a farm in order to enroll in an agriculture class. 

Introductory (9th or First Year)

Specialized (Choose Any 10th-12th)

Advanced Courses (11th-12th)

A-P Ag Sciences, Essential Learnings